Think about this question for a second, “Is happiness a choice?” Do we chose to be happy or is it certain situations that make us happy? For most, I will say that it is specific encounters, circumstances, people, and materialistic things that make us happy. Our mind is extremely powerful at manipulating our thoughts and our feelings at any moment of any day. I am very guilty of focusing on the future. For some reason, I have it instilled in my brain that I need look ahead and work hard to get exactly where I want to be! I have been thinking about this question lately because I have found a new state of happiness in my life. I feel content as to where I am and who I am becoming. I am happy.
So am I happy because I have everything I want in this world? Hell no! I am happy because I have learned that happiness is a choice. I have the power to turn my life around at any time of the day. I have the power to look a negative situation square in the eyes and say, “Today you will not bring me down; today you will not interfere with my dreams; today I am choosing not to let the obstacles of life crush me. Today, I am choosing to smile.”
Life is hard. It’s hard for you, me, your friends, your family and the random person you pass down the street. Everyone has obstacles and everyone is faced with moments of weakness. It is at this time that we have the ability to make a decision. A decision to let the hardships of life take control of our mind and swarm us with negative thoughts and feelings or we can be strong. We can be strong enough to know that there isn’t anything worth a wasted day. Life is short. Take life’s challenges and look at them not as setbacks, but as opportunities to discover who you are. After all, success is not measured by the position one has reached in life; success is more so measured by obstacles in which one has overcome while trying to succeed.
Remember….the world always looks brighter behind a smile. Choose to be happy.